Conversations that Inspire | Seniors Magazine Out Now!

The magazine includes very beautiful and empowering stories from a diverse audience of seniors. Some of the seniors who were featured are Connie Jewell, Connie Luchia, Jim and Donna Thompson, Murray Lloyd, Linda Rakos, Molly Boyce, Doreen Action, Syde Kidwai, Noel Checkley, Joanne Erickson , Ray Sampert, Mary Ann Reeves, Lorraine Nadeau and Sandra Lee.

The magazine captured some of the memories from the 15 week painting sessions with Eritrean master painter and teacher  Fetsum Teclemariam. Teclemariam covered how to use figure,still life objects and landscapes as a means of self expression. In the classes, the seniors learnt how to draw landscapes, animals, trees, faces and more.