Panels with Mary Thomas: An Evening with Yeg Authors
LCCMedia hosts once a month a panel of top intellectuals to discuss pertinent issues across Alberta.
In April, the panel focused on the challenges of being immigrant female writers in Alberta. Most immigrant writers are independently published which is refreshing but it can be very expensive. We lack the sophisticated marketing structure authors have when they have agents and so on.
One wonders whether the fact that our books are not main stream is part of the problem. But we must advocate for our stories to be told. No one can tell our stories better than ourselves. Our stories are culturally rich, filled with values and morals and in many ways, we must tell our children the stories our parents told us. This is why we must advocate for immigrant writers in Alberta.
Immigrant writers need visibility primarily.
The authors are Eileen Omosa, Yaa Serwaa Somuah and Alison Clarke.
The panel was inspiring showing that if you are determined, all things are possible to you.