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Political Strategist Jacqueline Biollo writes a weekly column for

Does Colour Inspire? | Jacqueline Biollo, MBA, ICD.D

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Recently, I was invited to partake in a colour-themed event. Meaning, I was asked to dress within a chosen colour pallet. Searching through my closet for something appropriate to wear, I paused a moment to look at and reflect on the emotions I experienced while doing this task. Pulling out a variety of garments, holding them up against myself, and looking in the mirror, I started to contemplate the reason or rationale for having purchased each item, or what emotions they invoked when I wore them.

Sir Isaac Newton developed the principles of white light composition and identified the colours that make up the visible spectrum: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Colour psychology involves exploring how certain colours impact human behaviours (such as active, ambitious, cautious, impatient, creative, or volatile).

Although I had a few articles of clothing that matched the requested colour palette, I was less than enthusiastic about my choices. In my opinion, they didn’t fit the feel of the event, were not seasonally appropriate, or just simply didn’t invoke the persona I wanted to portray. I wasn’t inspired.

Oftentimes, we are presented with situations that leave us with mixed emotions, limited alternatives or  options for change. Taking responsibility for realistic change is empowering. You may not be able to change an entire situation, but by adopting a strategic mindset, you may be able to influence a more favourable outcome.

The principles I used to motivate and inspire me in the ‘lack-luster colour palette dilemma’ can be implemented in almost any other situation. First, just start. Start looking at the situation and then break it down into smaller steps. For me, this meant pulling out all the clothes I had in the desired colour palette and took stock of my options. Create a positive mindset. I knew I didn’t want to disappoint the event organizer by not respecting the request, so, to complement my positive mindset, I created a feeling of gratitude. I was appreciative of the opportunity to attend this unique colour-themed event, where I would network and be exposed to opportunities that excite me.

Finally, as I chose the outfit I would wear to this colour-themed event, I took a moment to be kind to myself, and to be empathetic in my constructive feedback. I listened to upbeat music in my vehicle as I drove to the event and was cognizant to remember my power and potential – not only to motivate and inspire change within myself but in my surroundings… You can do this too.


Jacqueline Biollo is a leading authority on innovative business solutions, political strategy, and community engagement. She balances her time between movie sets, the runway, the political arena, her home office, or the gym. Jacqueline writes, cooks, speaks, and shares ideas for nourishing one’s life with practical objectives. 

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