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British Columbia LEVEL BIPOC Grants Open July 15!

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Announcement of Grant Opportunity

The Vancouver Foundation is pleased to announce that applications for the LEVEL BIPOC grants will open on July 15, 2024! These three-year, $150,000 grants provide flexible operating funding to registered charities and non-profit societies in B.C. that are BIPOC-led, BIPOC youth-led, and/or youth-engaging.

What does ‘BIPOC-led’ mean?

‘BIPOC-led’ organizations have at least two-thirds (67%) of their leadership team who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Colour.

Changes to LEVEL BIPOC Grants
This year, at least 60 grants will be distributed through two streams:

– BIPOC Leadership Stream: 40 grants
– BIPOC Youth Leadership Stream: 20 grants

The application process is the same for each stream, but the selection processes differ to ensure equitable access to funding.

Eligibility Criteria

Registered non-profit societies in B.C. are now eligible to apply directly for a LEVEL BIPOC grant without needing a sponsoring organization.

Application Timeline:
– July 15, 2024: Applications open
– August 15, 2024: Applications close at 12 pm PT
– August 16 to October 2024:Applications under review
– November to December 2024: Invitations for conversations sent to applicants randomly selected under the BIPOC Leadership stream
– End of December 2024: Final decisions communicated via email to all applicants

Is this grant right for you?
A bundle of online grant application resources is available to help determine if this funding fits your organization’s needs.


For questions regarding eligibility or the application process, please email the LEVEL granting team at

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