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Jacqueline Biollo

Winding Down: COVID-Style | Jacqueline Biollo, MBA, ICD.D

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Winding Down: COVID-Style

Who knew, when the global pandemic hit in March 2020, what impact the coronavirus would have on our lives. From uncertain forecasts as to when it would end or how individuals, governments, businesses, and the world would respond. Soon, we’ll embark on the anniversary of a global shift; two years of mixed messages, fear, anger, frustration, medical intervention, economic instability, pre-pandemic reflection, and post-pandemic hope.

Hope. A milestone. Freedom from the heavy burden many carried throughout the pandemic. A shift in focus and priorities. A new lease on life and opportunities. A checklist of things we accomplished and items still left to achieve. Hope.

Amidst the chaos and confusion, the new challenges brought on for many by health and safety recommendations or regulations surrounding the pandemic (job loss, modified living arrangements, increased reliance on technology, isolation, mental health, and so much more), many found ways to make the most of the situation. Some pivoted their thinking, using the time to reconnect with friends and family, start or finish projects, learn new skills or focus on a passion. 

The global pandemic called into question the debate of real-life versus work-life and whether there is a balance or separation between the two. With many working from home, employers and employees alike were deliberating over accountability, productivity, availability, compensation, and post-pandemic work environments. 

We may not predict what the future will hold, but we do know that people are resilient and can adapt to their surroundings.

Post-pandemic, I will incorporate more hope, resiliency, and adaptation into my life. I will lean on some of the principles I learned from the various board and online games I played during the pandemic. The following of which was accurately summarized by the Pitt News Editorial Board:

  • It’s okay to celebrate small victories
  • Tomorrow is a new day
  • There will be bumps in the road, but you will make it
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • Have fun

As we prepare to wind down from one thing and ready to wind up for something else, challenge yourself to stimulate areas of your life that may not have been a priority of late. Engage in practicing self-care, innovating thinking, problem-solving, empathy, and respect. Take this opportunity to discover more about yourself and your surroundings… anything can happen. Embrace drawing gradually to a new normal. 


Jacqueline Biollo is a leading authority on innovative business solutions, political strategy, and community engagement. She balances her time between movie sets, the runway, the political arena, her home office, or the gym. Jacqueline recently embraced the NY Times phenomenon WORDLE and enjoyed playing Battleship, Monopoly, Risk, Pictionary, and crib. 


Relatable Information: 

Last Time: First Time : Jacqueline Biollo 

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