The Journey Beyond ‘Till Debt Separates Us’ with Mather Fox
I am back after my series Till Debt Separates us (TDS). What is the one thing you liked most about the series? Please share your thoughts and feedback; it will help me improve my content and help bring more value to people.
Today I welcome you to the NZF, the Money Maker strategy, which translates to Narrow Down, Zoom In, and Focus. As I reflected on my last series, it finally dawned on me that I was using the NZF strategy unknowingly over ten years ago.
In the Till Debt Separates us series, I focused more on the measures I took to clear $12000 debt in twelve months. Today I am going into its psychology, and it will explain how I accomplished it in 12 months and managed to have an extra $5000 in my savings account. My first series explained the methods I used to clear the debt, but the NZF will explain the mindset behind it and how my thoughts and emotions drove my actions.
As I am writing, one name and face comes to mind, and that is Darren Hardy. I was first introduced to him through the book Compound effect. This guy is a genius and a true example of the NZF strategy. I have read his books and enrolled in his online course, which has been the best $3000 I have ever spent. I am revisiting his 12-week study this coming week and will share some valuable nuggets with you in the future.
As I explain the NZF strategy, I will primarily refer to the TDS series. Are you ready to explore? Hopefully, this is the beginning of your financial freedom. The first step to this money-maker strategy is:
1. Narrow Down – consists of knowing what you want and why you want it.
2. Zoom In – is what to do when you know what you want and set your goal and systems to achieve it.
3. Focus (There is more involved in this step; we will dig deeper into this in my channel. You can subscribe and ring the bell to get notified when I upload a video. The link to the channel is at the end of this article.
When I unknowingly used this strategy in 2012, I was driven by my ambition to get out of debt. I became obsessed with paying off debt. I was a full-time employee then, and my skincare business was my side hustle. This approach can work whether you are an employee or a business owner. The NZF Money Maker strategy is accurate and works if done correctly. Successful people use the strategy. It’s not about how much money you have. The most important currency you need to use this strategy effectively is DESIRE.
At this stage of your life, what is your greatest desire? Is it to have enough money to travel around the world, enough money to retire comfortably, or pursue a career you are passionate about, or do you want cash regardless of how you obtain it? We can all agree there are thousands of business opportunities, and picking the right business(s) to pursue is essential. Avoid the Shiny Object Syndrom and use the NZF strategy.
In 2012 my why was clear, and the how was also evident. Sometimes when people set goals, the how is unclear, but that’s another story for another day. Back then, I had a full-time job and my side business; these were the income sources I used to clear the debt. I was disciplined and performed my duties when I was supposed to, both at work and in my home business.
Most people have two jobs, a full-time and a part-time job. What ends up happening is that, when they do their income taxes, people realize they work long hours, but the tax man ends up swallowing the overtime money they worked. It’s better to have a full-time job and a home business, which allows you to get tax deductions because the home business can write off business expenses, which means more money in your pocket.
In my case, I narrowed down two sources of income to achieve my goal, which I zoomed in on and focused on for one year.
I ensured I worked on those two sources of income five days and some instances, worked six days a week. I was obsessed with paying off debt, and my why, my emotions, and my actions were aligned.
During that time, I visualized most times and saw myself holding cash and burning the money right into the bin. This visualization was inspired by the interest rates I was paying. The minimum payments did not make a dent in the principal I borrowed, which means If I had kept the same pace, I would still be putting money on the credit card and line of credit for the rest of my life. The visualization fired me up, and I promised myself I would clear the debt as planned. That’s all I did for 12 months, and I achieved my goal. Because this strategy worked so well in the past, I am currently implementing it in my current businesses, and the results are astounding.
The following article will talk about how to effectively use the NFZ strategy in your business(s); this will help you meet and excel in your goals.
I share more on this topic on my channel. If you are finding value in my content, the greatest compliment you can give me is to subscribe to my channel: https://youtu.be/
Please find me on Facebook (1) Mather Fox | Facebook.
See you next time!