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Feeding Edmonton with Varinder Bhullar | The Yeg Show

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Since April 2020, Mr Bhullar has fed Edmonton through the COVID 19 Free Food Program in partnership with Green Scholars of Alberta and Dil -E- Punjab Sweets and Restaurant.

He joined the show to tell us why he is passionate about feeding hungry Edmonton students, seniors and families. He said to our researcher that he gives because he is inspired by the memory of his late beloved mother. He said his mother would be proud to know what of his work with his non-profit Green Scholars of Alberta.

He said he thought about how hard local and international students, seniors, single mothers must have it in this pandemic season and he was moved to help. The list of unemployed people grows every day. He said, “it is not fair that people should go without food.” Some people are in isolation. These people are not healthy enough to cook, some are just not in the position to cook for their families. People should not feel shy about coming to for food. We are all a big family. 

It is a fixed meal: one curry going with either rice, nan or chapatti. The curry is different every day. The menu is East Indian. This service is a good way to sample food from East India.

In partnership with Dil -E- Punjab Sweets  Restaurant and with compelling faith that arises to humanity’s challenge, Mr Bhullar started to feed families. At their peak, they fed 7,000 families over the Ramadan period.

On average, the serve 100 meals a day to families. They also make face masks. They give these out freely too. Over 1,200 masks have been made and distributed since April 2020.

The government of Alberta has stepped in to help them deliver on average of 100 meals a day till December.

Is that you? Are you going to bed hungry tonight? Do you know anyone hungry in your close circle?

For Free Food please text (780) 966 3121 before 4 pm and pick up between 6 and 7 pm from Dil -E- Punjab 1531 Millwoods Road East.

“Don’t feel bad about texting for food, we are all a family. No need to feel shame” – Mr Bhullar said. Meals are delivered, no questions asked.

Text or call (780) 966 3121


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