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Panel with Business Leaders in Edmonton, Calgary and Ontario

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Every month, for LCCMedia, Mary Thomas hosts a panel around issues going on in the community. Business Leaders were joined in an indepth conversation about the challenges and promises of doing business during and after the pandemic. Even though each business is different and unique, every business left the pandemic either better or worse in one way or the other.

This panel discussion was very robust because the business leaders came to it from very different but relevant perspectives. The panelists were Deborah Cox, the CEO of Microbusiness, Yinka Oladele, the first black owner of a UPS store in Calgary and Sharon Njobo, the CEO of

One of Deborah’s main points was that business people needed to remember  that their credit rating is important. Banks and lenders make decisions on  the power of a good credit rating. Ms Njobo, passionate about helping women from Zimbabwe said when the pandemic struck, many small businesses were not properly formed so they could partake in the Federal offerings of help when it became available. Mrs Oladele spoke to the fact that business owners needed to be able to plan ahead for unforseen circumstances. She noted that she had to remortgage her own house to pay for the rent of her business. She observed that for many businesses,rental expenditures is a barrier.

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