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Jacqueline Biollo is a columnist with

It’s been 30 days | Jacqueline Biollo

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Have you ever felt like you just needed a break from something?

Or put something down with the intention of returning to it sooner than you did, if you did at all? Or felt accomplished at everything you did when you put down something and picked up something else, like a project or initiative you had otherwise been putting off?

Not that any of these were the reason for my absence from writing. But coming back to contemplating what to write for my weekly column and contribution to the Ladies Corner was a welcomed challenge after a brief 30-day hiatus.

Let’s unpack that for a minute. Hiatus (Noun). “A pause or gap in a sequence, series, or process.” (Oxford).

I had been writing my opinions and observations about various topics, hoping to entertain, enlighten, educate, and empower readers in this magazine since the beginning of 2022. By September, I was due to travel to New York City (NYC) for work and pleasure and had hoped to stay on top of my contribution to the magazine. But even with all the sights and sounds of NYC, the food, the people, and the history, I just couldn’t discipline myself enough to sit down and write about it. 

For those of you who have not visited ‘the Big Apple, I had hoped to paint a picture worthy of a travel ad. Or, for those of you who have visited ‘the city that never sleeps, I had hoped to remind you of the hidden gems that memories are made of. But I didn’t. Instead, I took a much-needed break to focus on other priorities.

Including attending educational seminars to complement my personal and professional interests, networking with individuals who pushed the boundaries of my goals in a new or more defined direction, and took a different approach to my health and wellness whilst making memories along the way.

So, what have you accomplished in 30-days? Or what can you accomplish? If you’ve never really thought about it – maybe now’s your chance. Take a few moments to take stock of your goals and aspirations and how they align with your schedule or time management skills. Is there room for improvement? Either in revising your expectations or revisiting your priorities. Taking stock may also mean assessing the tools you have in place to assist you in achieving or realizing success.

Remember – success in the context of this example is self-defined. What would an audit of 30-days look like for you, and how would you define success? Did you quit procrastinating and get something done that you have wanted to do for a while? Did you try something you’ve never tried before but had always hoped to try? Did you pivot, limit, increase, or exclude something in your life… if only for 30 days? Or will you?

30-days may not seem like a lot. But for some, it can seem like a lifetime… either too little or not enough. Decide what value you’re going to place on the next 30-days. I hope you deem it priceless.



Before you go


Winding Down: COVID-Style | Jacqueline Biollo, MBA, ICD.D

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