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Poems by Femi

Poetry by Femi Adeyemo

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 As far as I know, I have always kept a diary. It is annoying.  Currently, I have more book boxes than shoes and clothes 🙁  I have boxes with all my diaries since I was thirteen at least. I find it hard to throw away any of my jotters, books or diaries. Moving to Canada, it cost a bit to ship all my books, especially my diaries. It gives me great joy that my daughter has begun the journey of writing. These are not her first poems, but to help the general effort, she graciously decided to lend her time this evening, to writing for I am intensely hoping she would not be hopeless romantic like her mother and that, this marks the beginning for her of a life long relationship with words.



M is for the bright circle in the midnight sky
O is for the one kid who  stares every night
O is for over the universe so high up in the sky
N is for the nudging feeling to wait to the next sunrise 



No one is awake 

I lay in my bed
Glaring at the moon
Hearing my phone go off [beep beep]
Tiredly waking up for another day of school 




Blessing everyone as you go 

You shine your light 

Everyone can see it for miles away 


                                                                 By Femi Adeyemo


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