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Photocredit: Jacqueline Biollo

Curtain Call | Jacqueline Biollo, MBA, ICD.D

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As a life-long enthusiast of arts and culture, I’ve attended my fair share of theatrical performances.

Heck, I’ve even been the lead actress in numerous productions. So how is it that I forgot to attend a much-anticipated show that I had spent my hard-earned money on to purchase a ticket? The reality is that sometimes, there’s just so much going on in one’s life that we forge ahead without realizing we’re letting precious time and opportunities slip us by.

Perhaps you can relate.

Since the end of summer and the beginning of fall, I’ve been focused on new opportunities.

There’s the obvious mourning of longer days and warmer nights, overshadowed by the anticipation of the change a season brings and the feeling of starting anew. September seems like a blur, then came October, and before you knew it, we’re already halfway through November. 

For some, November gave us time to pause, catch our breath and catch up with friends and family (over the Thanksgiving holidays). Or better still, the plethora of sporting events gave us reason enough to stay indoors, order in, and escape for a couple of hours wrapped up in our favourite blanket on the couch, cheering on our favourite team as they battled to one championship or another.

But for others, November brings the reality that Christmas is just around the corner.

This means the added pressure to find just the right gift for that special someone, the pressure of trying to make ends meet, and the anxiety that comes with dealing with relationship drama that seems only to escalate during what is coined ‘the most wonderful time of the year.

So, it’s a lot. This ‘adulting’ thing. So cut yourself and those around you a little slack. Things happen. Car keys get misplaced, milk gets spilt, and sometimes, you are so focused on one deliverable that you overlook the enjoyable moments. Does that make sense?

As for my expensive oversight and missed opportunity to sit centre-stage in a performance theatre engrossed in a Broadway production for an evening – I’ll consider it a personal financial contribution to the arts and culture industry without regret. But for others who may be contemplating their scheduling options and the difficult decision to ‘work or play for just a moment in time – do what you can to do both.

Either find work that you love, so it seems like play, work so you can be fairly compensated so you can afford to play, or decide that even with work, you need to find the time to play – for you, for the ones you love, for your mental health, and most of all – to make memories. Money may make the world go around – but it’s the memories that will make the world a better place to be in. Be in it. 


Jacqueline Biollo has been involved in theatrical performances for over 40 years, including one-act plays, commercials, improv, and scripted performances. She uses her entrepreneurial spirit, raw life, acting, and business experiences to inspire individuals, organizations, and communities to explore, connect and expand their human capabilities through positive affirmation.

Photo by Coral Konanz Photography | Clothing by Laura Fashion | Hair by Racine | Glasses by Zeelool

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