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Lorrie Morales is a senior editor with LCCMedia

Dear Spring | Lorrie Morales

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We are wondering where you are and when exactly you plan on arriving. We have endured a rather long winter, and your sleeping seeds beneath the ground need to awaken – to stretch their arms and break through the earth to touch the sun. The snow does continue to fall some days despite the green grass struggling to peep through the frozen grounds. There is the odd puddle when we have a warm day. The birds have started flitting from branches of trees to gather twigs in their little beaks, ready to build a nest for their upcoming families. I see the geese in the morning flying their famous V formation across the sky, looking for open water to gather and honk in unison.

The ice on the river cracks along the shoreline to make way for the fresh springs flowing down from the mountains. Nature is ready to come alive to warmer days and hopes of new beginnings, urging us to let go of the past, escape our abodes and embrace the upcoming days. What hope we have!

O Spring! We long for your sun-kissed rays – the bloom of tulips dotting our flower beds, and we listen eagerly for the songbirds to sing in full chorus in the green foliage of the trees. O Spring! We long for the warm winds of change to blow across our faces as we venture back into the forests and notice the budding trees. To smell the crispness in the air and to take in all you have to offer us.

O Spring! When do you plan on arriving? It’s been forever it seems that we heard from you, and we are anxiously excited to see you. I even noticed a robin today. O Spring! Even your name makes us want to get up and move! We want to leave winter behind. We await your arrival with anticipation.

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land Song of Songs 2: 11-12

Old Man Winter

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