Food Resource List
The Africa Center shared this list as they have announced plans to close their Food Bank Program on the 17th of December. The resources listed below are to help you access long term food supports in your area.
There are 60 Food Bank depots in the Edmonton area and there is likely one in your neighborhood or very close to you – call the Foodbank at 780-425-4190 to find out your nearest depot and get signed up.
○ They also now have two drive-up mobile depots open (one on the North side and one on the South side).
○ If they ask you to phone back on a certain day / time, follow their instructions as that is the day you need to order for your area (i.e. Friday at 8:30 AM)
For hot meals delivered to your home. CANAVUA also has a mobile food truck that visits North and South Edmonton to provide free hot meals, and gives out fresh produce and bread from their headquarters at #116, 8627 Rue Marie-Anne Gaboury NW, Edmonton. Please follow their Facebook page for updates or email for more information: info@canavua.org
780-413-4525 or https://wecanfood.com
Provides low cost food hamper that includes 2-3x of meat, fruits and veg monthly. Price is approx. $25
780-429-2020 or www.mealsonwheelsedmonton.org
NO actual age limit. For those housebound, unable to cook due to other issues, seniors, new moms, etc.
○ Provides up to 3 meals delivered weekdays to their home. Packages range from $9.50- $13.00. Low-income households, those on AISH and veterans may qualify for discounted rate.
○ Can accommodate dietary needs such as diabetic, soft, pureed and renal diets.
○ Frozen meals also available for delivery; soups, desserts, entrees. Range from $5.50 –
$7.00 each. There is a fee for delivery.
○ Grocery program also available; will deliver (there is a fee for delivery)
Toll free: 1-877-469-1920; Edmonton & Area: 780-469-1900
○ An Alberta-based company that provides fresh, affordable and seasonal produce to different communities, schools and sports teams as a fundraiser to not only provide affordable access to fresh items, but also helps support community programs.
○ A produce box costs $30.00; Order Cut Off dates and pick up times vary depending on area of the city. Can typically order twice a month depending on location.
info@theorganicbox.ca; https://www.thegudbox.caEmail:
Customer Service: 780-469-1900; service@thegudbox.ca
○ Similar to the Gud Box, the Khair For All Produce Box provides fresh, seasonal and affordable fruits and vegetables.
○ Boxes range from $25 for a small box to $50 for a large box and are 20-30% less than typical grocery store prices.
○ Delivery is available for a small fee.
Veteran’s Association Food Bank – Edmonton Location
17218 107th Avenue NW Edmonton (Open Monday-Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm) 403-367-8387
Charity – Veterans Association Food Bank
○ Veterans helping Veterans. Assistance with Peer Support, Food Bank, Emergency Assistance, Intake Support, VA Claims and Medical Referrals, Referrals to Community Partners and Assistance and General Support.
● Feminine hygiene products – free – check out All cycles Edmonton on Facebook or request at www.allcyclesyeg.ca
Cerebral Palsy Alberta Association – is now providing Care Packages with the goal of improving food and basic need security for people in the disability community who have been impacted by Covid-19. These are one-time supports for CPAA clients in need. May include food vouchers, basic essential care or hygiene items for children and adults. To apply for this one-time support, you must have a CPAA Client ID Number. Can apply online at https://www.cpalberta.com/carepackages
Candora Society – located at 3006 119 Avenue. They do weekly free bread Mondays and a bagged lunch on Thursdays at the Abbottsfield Rec Centre (3006 119 Avenue) at NOON. They can also help with benefit applications, Alberta works/AISH, Renters Advocacy, Accessing Food Resources, Family and Parenting supports and resources, finding health supports, additional supports or referrals and more! To connect with our workers please call 780-474-5011 or via email info@candorasociety.com
Canavua Food truck for free meals – Wednesdays from 12-3 at Value Village at 13530 Fort Road (check Facebook to make sure they will be there)
Glengarry Child Care Society – Community Food Hamper Program
Contact: Brad West, Executive Director by text or call: 780-239-1540
○ Hampers consist mainly of non-perishable items; some fresh items or pet food may also be available
○ Hampers can be picked up from North Side location or delivery can be arranged depending on circumstances. Delivery Monday – Friday 9:00 am to NOON
○ Donations of bottles, cans, non-perishables and funds gratefully accepted as this is a community-funded pantry.
Freedom Center – Day old bread, sometimes pastries, fresh vegetables and other grocery items on a drop in basis at Freedom Center at 4925 – 134 Avenue on Wednesdays from 9:30-11 AM
Dickensfield Amity House 780-478-5022 or www.amityhouse.ca
Family resource centre that provides programs and services such as family support, community lunch, swap shop, outreach, job search assistance, support groups and more. Also is a WECAN food depot ($25 food box that you can receive monthly that has meat, fruits and veg).
LoveGood Food Box
“Take what you need, leave what you can”
Red newspaper box that mainly has non-perishable donated items. NE locations include:
○ 72 Street & 147 Avenue (on the corner)
○ 12931 85 Street (on the curbside)
○ 14203 50 Street (NE Police Division)
○ 10123 Princess Elizabeth Avenue
Building Hope Compassionate Ministry Centre
780-479-4504; 3831 – 116 Ave
Breakfast to-go Mon/Tue/Wed from 8:30 -1:30 am; Lunch to-go Mon/Tue/Wed from Noon – 3:00 pm; ALSO – Clothing available – Mon & Wed from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm (may need to wait in line) – Laundry facility / First come, first serve
Salvation Army
Food Pantry – 11661-95 St – Thursdays from 10 to Noon
Bethel Food Pantry
Mondays, 3 – 5 pm.
11461-95 Street (bring your own bags)
St. Faith’s Church
Bagged lunches & hot take away meals Wed – Sat, 11:30 – 1 PM 11725-93 Street
Crystal Kids
8718 -118 Ave
Hot meals to take away – Monday through Friday 3 PM
EMPP Postal workers hampers – Saturdays midday – sign up in advance; watch Facebook for announcements – 12725 82 St NW
Beverly Day Care Society & Family Resource Centre-OSC
Family support programs:
Wecan Food Basket (Beverly Depot), Collective Kitchen, Donate – A – Ride, Free COBS bread, Clothing Exchange
Call the office 780-477-1151 or 780-479-2193 For family support: bevdaycare2@gmail.com
Tegler Youth Centre
Monthly frozen meal deliveries and emergency food hampers for families. Tegler Youth Centre contact information: 780-448-5820 tyc@hopemission.com
Rundle Health Centre (Rundle PCN)
Food bank distribution depot on Mondays and Fridays
Sign up at Food bank (https://www.edmontonsfoodbank.com) for pick up at Rundle Health; Additional supports available (mental health referral, nutrition, healthy aging).
Call the main clinic number at 780-479-1533 or Robin (Team Lead) at 780-378-2587
Strathcona Garneau Food Security Program
Doors open every Saturday morning at 7:00 a.m. You do not need identification for a pre- packaged bag of food. Provides free day old bread, pastries, vegetables and protein items on a drop in basis. We serve coffee, buns or sandwiches. We begin serving at 8:00 a.m. or a bit later if we are still waiting for bread to arrive at 7909 82 Ave NW
Neighbour Centre – 10050 81 Ave
780-250-6840·Takeaway hot meals – Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 1-2pm Maximum 30 people allowed inside at a time
Food Bank Depot Hamper pickup (1/month) – Trinity Lutheran Church – must phone Monday evening between 6-7 PM to order for Tuesday evening pickup at 780-433-1604 at 10014 – 81 Ave.
St. Teresa’s Bread & Food
7508 – 29 Avenue – operating under an appointment only system on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 4:30-6:20.
Join our mailing list to receive links to sign up for the day(s) you wish to attend. To sign up, email St.TheresaBreadRun@gmail.com – You can come to the bread run as often as you need. We operate out of the brown doors on the east side of the building (closest to the dumpster). Come at the time and day you signed up for and at that time only you can come inside to maintain social distance in our small space. You will have 5 minutes to select your items, so please do not be late and miss your appointment time. You are welcome to as much Cobs bakery bread as you can eat and/or freeze. We sometimes also get catering items and pantry items donated from the community, so you may get 1-2 items additional to take. Overripe produce is usually available (I.e. eat it within the next 24-48 hours)
Bread Run (fruit & veggies) at Millwoods United Church
Saturdays, 9-10 AM, doors open at 9 AM and food distribution begins at 10 am, day old bread and a variety of fruits & vegetables on a drop in basis
15 Grand Meadow Crescent NW
● Islamic Family & Social Services Association Essentials & Food Hamper Program
Essential Needs program provides support, resources and assistance including halal food hampers, access to a monthly legal clinic, school backpacks, computers and phones and access to resources to meet needs.
o Food hampers included halal meat, food items free of alcohol and pork products/byproducts and other essentials like rice, flour, lentils and oil.
IFFSA SOUTH: #85, 4003 98 Street NW Edmonton
o Can contact them by phone: Helpline (10am – 10pm): 780-900-2777 info@ifssa.ca or Contact via online form at: https://www.ifssa.ca/contact-us
LoveGood Food Box
Red Newspaper box
“Take what you need, leave what you can”. Mainly stocks non-perishables 104 Youville Drive E (outside police station)
7904 104 Street
EMPP Postal workers hampers – Saturdays 11:30-12:15 PM – sign up in advance; watch Facebook for announcements – 9338 – 34 Avenue
Calvary Community Church – 780-462-8444 – food and clothes – 8704 Millwoods Rd
Pakistan Canada Association of Edmonton – Drive Thru Food Hamper Pickup (posts through Facebook; usually Saturdays from 12-3pm) at PCAE Hall at 9226 39 Ave, Edmonton. Contact Salman Naseer at 780-996-3918 for more information.
Good Food to Go – low cost food boxes – pickup or delivery
Phone 780-906-4971 or go in person Monday & Wednesdays from 9-11 am to order 15308 Stony Plain Road
Jasper Place Resource Center – Free Bread and other food items
10045 – 156 street, call 587-635-1775 to inquire about programs and services 780-489-2243 to ask about any other food available
West End Outreach for free bagged lunches – Mon & Wed from 12 – 1 PM 10105 – 153 Street
Christian Care Center – 780-484-5847 at 10137 150 street for clothing, socks, toothbrushes, etc.
– Tuesdays-Friday from 9 AM -11:45 PM
LoveGood Food Box
“Take what you need, leave what you can” – look for the Red Newspaper Box Corner of 9806 – 159 Street
Paul Kane Park (103 Ave & 121 street) 1351 Windermere Way SW
15210 Stony Plain Road 780-906-4971 www.facebook.com/food4goodyeg or www.food4good.ca ashleyt@food4good.ca
House of Refuge Mission – food packages, food truck and take away meals – Monday through Sunday at 6 PM at 10334 – 95 street
Operation Friendship Seniors Society ( For individuals 55+ yrs)
Boyle Street Community Services at 11:30 AM daily – coffee, snacks, bagged lunches at 10116 – 105 Avenue
Edmonton Father’s House – mobile team in front of Bissell Centre with hot meals, cereal breakfast, bagged lunches
Tue-Thur from 4-5 pm, Sunday at 8:30-9:45, Tuesdays at 8:30 PM – 10521 – 97 street
● Marian Centre – bagged lunches and hot take away meals – Mon, Tues, Thurs, Sat from 12:30 – 1:15 pm, 10528 – 98 street – phone 780-424-3544 or https://mariancentreedmonton.ca
Hope Mission – breakfast, lunch & supper – bagged meals – Mon to Fri 7:30-8:15 AM, 12-12:45 PM, 5-5:45 PM, Saturday and Sunday 10:45-11:45 AM, 4:15-5 PM.
9908 106 Avenue – phone 780-422-2018
Bissell Centre Pet Food Bank at 10527 – 96 Street, Mon – Friday from 9:30-11:30 AM
Creating Hope Society – provides food hampers for Indigenous families on a referral basis – 780- 477-7961 Ext 201.
Salvation Army
Food Pantry – 11661-95 St – Thursdays from 10 to Noon
Bethel Food Pantry
Mondays, 3 – 5 pm; 11461-95 Street (bring your own bags)
St. Faith’s Church
Bagged lunches & hot take away meals Wed – Sat, 11:30 – 1 PM 11725-93 Street
LoveGood Food Box
“Take what you need, leave what you can”
Red newspaper box that mainly has non-perishable donated items. Downtown locations include:
○ 9620 – 103 A Avenue (Red Newspaper box in front of EPS station)
○ 10123 Princess Elizabeth Avenue
Islamic Family & Social Services Association Essentials & Food Hamper Program
Essential Needs program provides support, resources and assistance including halal food hampers, access to a monthly legal clinic, school backpacks, computers and phones and access to resources to meet needs.
o Food hampers included halal meat, food items free of alcohol and pork products/byproducts and other essentials like rice, flour, lentils and oil.
o Have a downtown and south side location; Downtown: #2-786, 10545 108 Street NW
o Can contact them by phone:
Helpline (10am – 10pm): 780-900-2777 info@ifssa.ca; Contact them via online form at: https://www.ifssa.ca/contact-us
211 Resources – phone 211
Ab.211.ca – search for Food resources Edmonton
● InformAlberta.ca – list of food services in the Edmonton area
Food Not Bombs YEG
○ International group dedicated to fighting poverty, hunger and war
○ Edmonton-based group is focused on helping the houseless, street outreach, community fridge, fruit collection, community gardens, providing community resources, and providing vegan meals to those in need
○ https://edmonton.foodnotbombs.us/
The Bishop’s Storehouse with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
49 Cree Rd, Sherwood Park AB T8A 3X9
● Talk to your local bishop, you don’t need to be a member. Their “food bank” is more like a grocery store with household goods and personal goods as well.
● Can provide information for local residents and hosts their own Chef’s Choice Frozen Meal program that has frozen meals provided by Edmonton Meals on Wheels.
● They also have this Volunteer Strathcona’s COVID-19 Emergency Support Response where volunteers are available to help with grocery pick up/delivery, prescription pick up and delivery, and phone call visits. https://volunteerstrathcona.ca/covid-19/
Strathcona Food Bank Apply for food by calling during work hours: 780-449-6413 or www.strathconafoodbank.ca/hungry/
● Provides numerous resources including food hampers, referrals; have social workers on site that can provide referrals, information and resources for St. Albert area.
St. Albert Seniors Association
Phone Number: 780-459-0433
● Has an Outreach Worker on site that can help with housing information, referrals
● Has a Meals on Wheels delivery program and frozen Chef’s Choice meals that can be picked up or delivered on weekdays
● Has a Transportation program for seniors (may not be running due to Covid-19)
● Has an on-site cafe that is selling meals and soups for purchase at lower cost.
Leduc Food Bank www.leducfoodbank.ca 780-986-5333
● Instacart – online grocery shopping with multiple grocery stores (Walmart, T&T, Superstore)
● SPUD Delivery Service
● Belmont Sobeys (Victoria Trail & 137 Ave) – Curbside Delivery that you can phone or email in for.
● SAVE-ON-FOODs has a grocery delivery service
● Meals on Wheels Edmonton does do grocery delivery service and personal shopper ● MEAL KRAFT www.mealkraft.com
● HelloFresh Meal Kits
● Facebook – check for “Buy Nothing” pages or for Community Groups offering Free Food