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Donna Wilson on Candidate Forum

Candidate Forum for Edmonton Whitemud

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We were happy to welcome the Alberta Liberal Party Candidate: Donna Wilson, to join our candidate forum for Edmonton Whitemud.

Who is Donna Wilson?

Donna Wilson is a registered nurse, who started her nursing career at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton.

This was the hospital where she was born; as her tool push, Dad was managing an oil rig near Edmonton then.

Her parents later bought a farm near Ponoka so their children could go to school uninterrupted.

Donna worked hard on the farm, and she learned she could do anything that she set her mind and boundless energy to.

Donna has worked in large and small hospitals across Alberta, and in BC, Texas, and New Zealand,

and she managed some of those hospitals.

Over the years, Donna could pay for three university degrees, as tuition was affordable.

Donna is settled in Edmonton, in a house with rescue dogs, an organic garden, and too many dandelions in her lawn.

She has just retired as a Full Professor after working for 35 years at the University of Alberta.

The professors there elected her to the Board of Governors so she could advocate for the university during three years of government funding cutbacks.

She has been politically active for much of the past 35 years, starting out with efforts to prevent health care privatization.

Her work in the USA and her many research studies have highlighted what is needed to make our healthcare system more effective and affordable.

She has a great background for MLA work, and she wants to work for a cleaner Alberta and for all Albertans.

She is ready to work and is strong enough to work effectively in the middle between Alberta’s two highly divisive political parties.


The Alberta Liberal Party and the Green Party of Alberta won’t form government in this election. Alberta elections are tied between United Conservative Party and the Alberta National Democratic Party. In the interview, Ms Wilson said she was ‘disgusted by the mudslinging between the two main parties. The sad part is that ‘there is now much hurt and hatred between them. How will they work together?’


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