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Being Single: Man versus Woman Part 1| Panels by Mary Thomas | LadiescornerTV

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It had to be the best panel discussion we have ever had. It was raw, transparent and brutally honest. Our panellists were Mr Dee Maiden, the indefatigable Monika Glamazon and Ash Oliver Hamilton. The topic was being single: the man and the woman’s perspective. But there was a lot that was unpacked in the conversation and this was just the beginning. We barely scratched the surface.

Panels with Mary Thomas examined complications in relationships. Relationships can be sophisticatedly complicated for millennials and for everybody. Why do some men walk away from their families, why are we so lonely? Is loneliness something we can overcome? Mary Thomas, the moderator explored expertly the brokenness and fragility of our lives and our relationships. They discussed the single father ideal, relationship breakdowns, why some men struggle to commit, problems with holding on to the past.


Join us on the 5th of October for the second part of this interesting conversation and let us know what you think.

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