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Glynnis Lieb, candidate ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsid

Getting to Know Glynnis Lieb | Candidate Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

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Glynnis Lieb is a candidate for Ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi. She is the daughter of an immigrant and she comes from a large multiracial, working class family. She has a Ph.D in Social and Personality Psychology. She is a university instructor and a labour and social activist. 
LCCMedia is grateful to Glynnis for taking the time to answer these questions.


Please tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Glynnis Lieb (she/her). I am daughter of an immigrant and come from a large multi racial, working class family

I have a PhD in Social and Personality Psychology. I have worked in social services and not for profit organizations for my whole adult life. I am also a university instructor. I am labour and social activist.


Glynnis Lieb, candidate ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi
Glynnis Lieb, candidate ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

Why politics?

My father instilled in me the importance of democratic participation. He understood what it was like to have democracy lost. I have volunteered at all levels of government for most of my adult life. In the last few years, like many people, I had become increasingly frustrated with the rise in populism and the phenomenon in which politicians make promises to their base, but  when elected – sacrifice for fulfilment of us promises and focus primarily on staying elected.
I have said for years that I wish I could vote for someone who, upon getting elected, used the time in office to fulfil as many promises as possible rather than to try to stay elected. It occurred to me that perhaps this was time to step up and be that politician that I had been wanting to vote for. I believe that I have a unique array of life and work experiences that well equip me to serve my constituents effectively. Most importantly, this is not a career move for me. I am in this 100% to advance the priorities of the people I represent.


Why are you running for council? What are your top priorities?

I chose to run basically because municipal issues often get overlooked in the broader political conversations, yet they are the ones that impact us directly every day of our lives. If you want to have significant, immediate positive impact on Albertans, City Council is the place to be. Also I like the opportunity to run independently, rather than a part of a party. This allows me to be true to my values and priorities and earn votes based on who I am

What happens if you do/dont win?

If I do win, I plan to continue as I have begun. That is bringing the peoples’  voices that I believe the city needs to Council with me. It means listening to my constituents and remembering that I am here to serve them. It means using my time in office to keep promises that I have made to the people who believe in me

If I don’t win the election, this will still have been one of the most poignant and positive experiences of my professional life thus far. I have learned so much and been given the gift of time and wisdom from so many incredible Edmontonians. I have made new friends and learned so much about the inner workings of the city. I will continue to use these friendships, connections and knowledge to be an advocate and social activist for positive change in the city.

Can you describe your plan for women and children?

I lived for years with my mother as she became a single parent, caring for  her children on her own.  I saw the hard sacrifices that she made. I saw when the systems supported her and when they held her back. I began my career, working for Family Services. I have worked with youth and families throughout my career, including in the Institute I run currently.

We know that communities are strengthened when quality services are provided for children, and women are included equitably in decision-making positions and the workforce. Some of my priorities in this regard:

Quality, accessible public transit.

Well maintained public libraries

Well maintained, plentiful public recreation services.

Rigorous adherence to high standards when licensing childcare facilities.

Quality, reliable jobs.

Access to quality, free social and wellness supports.

How important is climate change and what will you do to make sure climate justice is at the forefront?

Climate change is critically important. This is why it is a key component of my campaign platform. If we’re going to build a stronger economy and healthier city, we have to do our part to make sure there’s a stable environment to continue to live, work and play in.

I support

  • Higher standards for city infrastructure to be more energy efficient
  • Establishing common sense policies to reduce waste and create less resource-intensive
  • Adapting development permits and providing incentives to builders to adopt net zero and energy efficient business models
Glynnis Lieb, candidate ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi
Glynnis Lieb, candidate ward Ipiihkoohkanipiaohtsi

What books inform your knowledge?  What do you do for your mental health?

I am an avid reader and researcher. There are many books that have been monumentally influential in my life. The one that set my career course and helped crystallize my understanding of human interactions is Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. As the title would lead you to presume, this book was written last century. But it spoke to importance of feeling that you have control over outcomes in your life and having those feelings of control impact your mental wellness.

The one that I’ve read recently as I think ahead to this municipal election that struck me the most is Palaces for the People by Eric Klinenberg. Being a Social Psychologist who has long advocated for the importance of building on communities’ strengths, the importance of social infrastructure that was demonstrated within this book was very gratifying. When we make municipal decisions, we must think about how our decisions will increase the health and cohesiveness of communities. This must always be in the forefront of our considerations.

As for my mental health, I have the benefit of coming from a mental health and addiction professional background. So I have had the opportunity to work with mental health advocates and experts since I was very young. There is nothing that is more valuable than one’s health and wellness. That must be prioritized above all other pursuits. As we are coming out of this pandemic, I think about the things that keep me feeling well and keep me feeling like I have purpose. Taking time to take care of myself physically and emotionally as well as to spend time with people who enrich me is a priority for me always. Family and community are the keys to mental wellness and I will never sacrifice those.

Share a quote or a poem that means something to you.

There are many quotes that have deeply impacted me throughout my journeys. But one that I actually have tattooed on myself comes from a fiction book. But stayed with me as a reminder about how to approach life.

“The only way to triumph over death is by making our lives masterpieces.” Dan Brown

Where can we learn more about you?

You can find out more about me and my platform at

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