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Photo provided by Jacqueline Biollo - she writes about being inspired by Taylor Swift

Inspired by Taylor Swift | Jacqueline Biollo, MBA, ICD.D

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I’ve been reflecting a lot lately, which some of you may align with, especially with the focus on a new year, turning the page on the past, looking to the future, and contemplating the meaning of it all.

More specifically, I was reflecting on the journey I’ve been on since writing this column and contributing to the Ladies Corner Magazine. Not only have I been afforded the opportunity to write about just about anything I want, hoping to motivate and inspire readers, but also to educate and inform others about things that are important or of interest and align with the goals, objectives, and values of the magazine.

But what I’ve found, is that sometimes even the simplest of tasks, like writing about something you care about, or speaking up about an opinion you have, etc., especially when there’s a deadline looming, is difficult.

Hence today’s topic. Someone once referred to my writing (style) to be much like that of Taylor Swift’s song writing style. Although not entirely true, I did see some alignment to that statement or can agree in principle as to why and how this person thought this way.

If you are unfamiliar with Taylor Swift, she’s an American singer-songwriter, often inspired by her personal life. Well, if that’s all we had to go on – then ‘yes’, I would say our writing styles are similar. But don’t most of us pull from firsthand experiences to form the basis of our opinions or actions?

I know there was more substance to this person’s comments and observations – because they were either seeing themselves in my writing, having experienced something similar or felt that the uniqueness of my storytelling had to be so personal that it was rooted in something I’d experienced firsthand.

Again, for the most part, this is true. But unlike Taylor Swift, who refers to her own writing process as ‘dorky’, I’d refer to my writing process as simplistic, thoughtful, entertaining, or with a purpose to inspire and motivate others.

Photo provided by Jacqueline Biollo - she writes about being inspired by Taylor Swift
Photo provided by Jacqueline Biollo – she writes about being inspired by Taylor Swift

Additionally, a quick Google search on ‘What Taylor Swift writes about’ will produce an endless list of topics from her relationship with individuals, and her ex-lovers, to songs about the colour red (scarf, lipstick, dress, etc.), and TikTok. A quick Google search on me reveals more about my personal and professional pursuits in the political arena, arts and culture industry, and as a university educator, or social advocate.

But ‘So What?’. What does all this have to do with you, or why and how does the influence (or similarities) of another impact or influence you? Perhaps it doesn’t. But maybe, just maybe, you’ll use this opportunity to reflect on your own style, writing or otherwise, and consider if now’s the right time to make changes, or if you are comfortable being rooted in where you’re at. The new year can be an opportunity to push the envelope, embrace change, face challenges head-on, or count your blessings and just carry on.

Either way, if Taylor Swift were to write a song about me (or you)… ‘What would you want her to say?’.


Jacqueline Biollo is herself a singer, not unlike Taylor Swift. Although, instead of selling out to millions, breaking tour records, and mobilizing fans all over the world, Jacqueline is content with her investment portfolio, having never broken a bone in her body, and mobilized more than a memory or two in her travels across the world. She hopes you continue to be motivated or inspired by whatever works for you – whether that be people, possibility, or potential.

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