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Tania Turner

Body Positive Coach Tania Turner on

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Tania is a plus-size model, body-positive speaker, blogger, businesswoman and educator. Passionate about getting women to love their own bodies, Tania has evolved as an advocate and a coach for women who struggle to accept their own body shapes.  This is an issue for millions of women worldwide. It may seem like a non-issue because of the perfection we see on Instagram, but many of us do not have perfect Instagram like lives.
Our bodies are not perfect either.
Women struggle with self-esteem issues regarding their bodies for several reasons, for some, it may be cultural. For others, they may have let themselves go after childbirth, others turn to food to overcome personal demons. Food offers temporary comfort and then it comes the guilt.
Some women turn to beer and alcohol. The satisfaction alcohol offers wear away after the hangover and the realisation that beer bellies don’t disappear easily.
What do you do if you have a negative self-image? First, Tania advocates positive self-talk. This may be difficult initially, but after a while, with persistence, you will begin to believe the things you say to yourself. The way Tania does it is by way of affirmations. She encourages us to try affirmations. Say things like ‘ I am worth it, I am beautiful, I deserve love’ etc to yourself till it sticks. Try it and let us know 🙂
Here are some things you can do if you struggle with your self-esteem.
1. Love yourself: As hard as this might be, find five things to love about yourself daily. It could be your smile, your kind and nurturing spirit, the fact that you can cook etc. You know your unique selling points, love it.  How do your friends and loved ones describe you? If you struggle to find anything good about yourself, find someone you trust and ask them for the one thing they like about you. I am sure there would be more than one thing!
2. Accept yourself: Whatever it is you have become in your thirties, forties or fifties, accept yourself. Accept you. Accept you are beautiful. Accept that you are an overcomer. Settle with your past – whatever is in the past, keep it in the past –  and move on. ACCEPT YOU!
3. Care for yourself: We have been beaten to death in recent times with self-care. Self-care is important for everyone. Whatever that looks like for you, pursue it. It could mean a brisk walk every morning or soaking in the bath or reading a book. Look after you. Life is also so short.
For more about Tania Turner: please email
Photo credit: Taniaturner1313 | Instagram

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