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A Time To Begin Again ~ YegWatch with Tee

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2020 was a difficult year on many levels.

So many of us lost loved ones. So many of us lost revenue streams and opportunities to grow. So many of us suffered from depression and a weariness of the sluggishness it takes to get anything done. So many of us lost our jobs, many of us had to close the doors to our businesses permanently.

In many ways, I am happy to see 2020 go. The goal at the start of the pandemic was  to keep alive. We were not trying to be anything, we just needed to stay alive. Breathe in and out.   Keep alive. When you look at food insecurity in the community and how people can fall off the radar so quickly, it upsets you, but fills you with a renewed vigour to do all you can to see the back of this pandemic.

2020 was rough physically and mentally. I am not sure I can unpack all of 2020 here and now. This is not even about the hypocrisy or the double standards of the Alberta government. It was tough to spend Christmas alone… alone. Without being able to visit family and there you have, senior government officials gallivanting around the world mocking the rest of us. It is more than annoying. It is just not fair! But, there you have it, we are not in this together and some people are better than the others.

We start 2021 optimistic and with a larger goal than staying alive. We start 2021 with more than muted excitement, we start this journey with a certainty that we will make it through better prepared and optimized for success. 2021 is the beginning of a new dawn, a new decade, a new opportunity to begin again, a new mandate to build again.

Here is how.

7 ideas for the year

  1. Make  list of the reasons why you care. What are your ‘whys’ for your business? What are your ‘whys’ for your life?
  2. Understand that you cannot do everything, so prioritize. Make a list and deal with whatever you deem as most important. Do those first. Tackle the easy items first and then go to the difficult ones.
  3. Decide to read more. Learn all you need to know about your industry. Become a leader there. Read more. Read widely. Read extensively.
  4. Think about the people in your sphere of influence: your spouse, your children, your customers. What sort of energy are you giving off? Life tends to give us what we give to it. Dispense positivity, it will come back to you. Choose to be happy. 2021 will come with its own disappointments and delays. It wont always be rosy. What is your plan for the valley?
  5. Consider prayer. Having God as a sure path of your life at the start of this year is a great thing to do. Think about it.
  6. Take little steps: Whatever that means for you, take baby steps. Have you always wanted to loose weight? Do it a day at a time. Dont try to plan for 365 days at once, take it a day at a time.
  7. Challenge yourself: Set yourself a challenge. A challenge to read a book a week or to sleep for 8 hours. Or to read your Bible. Or to take 10,000 steps. Or to love again. Or to forgive.


Written with love

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