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Empowering Teens with Yoleen Naidoo

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Taking care of yourself first


When you are on an airplane and dangers hit. The airbags will drop down. The very first thing you HAVE to do is grab it and secure yourself, then only can you assist others.  It’s the enforced law on the airplane.

The reason is that you cannot help someone if you cannot help and secure yourself first.

This is a very empowering and true story.

You need to take care of yourself first, put yourself first, heal yourself and empower yourself.   Do not feel guilty about it. Mental health is a real situation.  We are made up of a body, soul, and mind.

To succeed in this world, we must have a strong mind. It is the compass that gives us direction in life.

You are valuable and there is a reason you are born so take care of yourself so you can be successful, prosper and live your destiny in life.

As a gift to you today and as a little help on your journey for strengthening your mind I have created a free app. to help you.

The first thing you should do in the morning is to affirm your day.  The reason we affirm our day is to remind ourselves who we truly are.

At least repeat the affirmation minimum of 30 times each time 4 times a day. First thing in the morning, middle of the day, end of the day, and before you go to bed.

Another amazing practice is to repeat the affirmation every time a negative thought enters your mind because the affirmation will cancel the negative thought.

Do this for 30 days and you will see a huge difference it makes to your well-being. It takes a minimum of 18 days for a new habit to form, let’s make it a positive habit.

Write to me and tell me about your experience at

Have an amazing day and remember you are perfectly and wonderfully made, you are loved and precious.  Psalms 139:14



About Yoleen Naidoo

Yoleen was born in South Africa and moved to Canada as an adult.  She is a Christian, beauty queen, mentor, businesswoman, humanitarian, and empowerment coach.

She has studied courses in mental health, graphic designing and event planning.

She believes that it’s very important to live a life as a strong role model, leave an evolving legacy and spend time empowering the young generation.

She started her community project and created a free daily motivational app so that people can conquer their fears in life.

She believes that the mind is very powerful, the core of who we are, and the compass to our direction in life.

She strongly believes in building strong communities, having an empowered family life, and equipping the young generation.

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