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Calgary author Moji Taiwo writes adventure books for children

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We were excited to have had the opportunity to chat with Mrs. Taiwo recently.

She has been very busy. Looking after her grandchildren infused her with the inspiration to write a series of books based.

We all have grandmothers. We all want our children to get to know their grandparents.

For most of us, the Canadian visa route can be fraught with delay and tension. Mrs. Taiwo’s grandchildren are exceedingly lucky to have their grandmum, and we are all fortunate to benefit from the wisdom in these books based on this rare intergenerational experience.

Why was it necessary to have another book for children? Books written by brown and black authors are still in the minority, and we need the humour and perspective African Canadian authors like Mrs. Moji Taiwo bring to our lives.

A Calgary illustrator did the illustrations, and we recommend once you have read the book: Grandma and Her Munchkins – the first book of the series, “At the Playground and Park,” is currently available on Amazon in Paperback and Ebook,  give it a review.



Here is the blurb from Amazon:


Moji Taiwo is the Author of I Give because I’m Blessed – I’m Blessed because I Give – a chronicle of an Immigrant’s Journey – an autobiography of her life in Canada.

She is also the author of a new Children’s Picture Book – Grandma and Her Munchkins – An everyday Adventure series in English and French. The first book of the series, “At the Playground and Park,” is currently available on Amazon in Paperback and Ebook.

Moji is a mother of three adult children and a grandmother of three adorable boys on which the adventure book series are based. Her previous career was in the Youth Justice system in Alberta, Canada, where she spent over three decades positively impacting the lives of adolescents and their families, teaching, training, coaching and mentoring young staff.

When Moji is not writing, she can be found in her garden during the spring/summer growing season in Calgary, her home city or enjoying the crisp, wintery outdoors in the winter months. She also enjoys facilitating Life Skills classes for youths and Parenting Skills classes for Adults.

She enjoys giving back to her community, especially when it involves learning, teaching, growing and having a whole LOT of FUN!!!

She’s also a professional model and the creator and Host of a YouTube TV Show called The Immigrant Experience Show #Tieshow. Moji has received many professional and community leadership awards, details of which can be found on her website at


Read more here

Surviving Racism and Discrimination with Moji Taiwo | The Yeg Show

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