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Eligibility for Booster Shots Expanded |Photo credit Alberta FB

Alberta expands boosters, launches booster shot campaign

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Alberta Government Press Release 

Starting immediately, all Albertans aged 18 and older who received their second COVID-19 vaccine at least five months ago can now book a third dose.

The severity of the Omicron variant is not yet known, but it is clear that there is an increased risk of transmission. Expanded availability of third doses of COVID-19 vaccine will help provide increased protection and prevent community spread.

You can book your booster shot here:

New measures that will take effect on Dec. 24 will focus on avoiding super-spreader events by decreasing contacts in large capacity venues and limiting unrestricted activities where there is a high risk of transmission.

New public health measures

The new mandatory measures taking effect at 12:01 a.m. on Dec. 24 are:

  • For venues in the Restrictions Exemption Program – 50 per cent capacity limit at venues that seat more than 1,000 people. For venues with capacity of between 500 and 1,000 occupants, 500 is the limit.
  • No food or drink consumption in seated audience settings or during intermissions in the above-mentioned venues.
  • There is no impact on venues under 500.
  • Maximum table capacity of 10 people in restaurants, pubs and bars. No mingling between tables.
  • No interactive activities at restaurants, pubs and bars (e.g., dancing, darts and billiards).
  • Restaurants, pubs and bars must stop liquor service at 11 p.m., and close at 12:30 a.m.

You can book your booster shot here:

Restrictions continue for both indoor and outdoor social gatherings, weddings, funerals, places of worship and businesses. Albertans should also refrain from workplace social gatherings.

Masking remains mandatory in all indoor public spaces, including in facilities participating in the Restrictions Exemption Program. Masks should fit well and be of high quality. Albertans with risk factors for severe outcomes should wear medical masks in settings with those outside of their household.


Pfizer will be offered to Albertans 18 to 29 years of age for booster purposes as a cautionary measure. While there is a slightly increased risk of myocarditis in younger Albertans from Moderna, especially in males, individuals are much more likely to experience myocarditis from COVID-19 infection than the vaccine.

All Albertans aged 18 and older at five months or more from their second dose can book appointments for third doses online with participating pharmacies or AHS by using the Alberta vaccine booking system or by calling AHS at 811.

You can book your booster shot here:

We write from time to time about vaccines. Here is a little post about vaccines in the community. 

You can count on to bring you up to date information about vaccines over the holiday period.

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