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Colleen Jantzen

Spring Cleaning | Poem of the month with Colleen Jantzen

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I am 

(I find)

The you 

That You 

Made me 

To be




A messy compilation 

Of all the bits and bobs

(for good and ill) 

That others


(mothers fathers sisters brothers aunts uncles grandmas grandpas friends foes related or not)


Rubbed off on me


I need 

Spring cleaning!

Sorting out!


(which bits to keep

which bobs to discard

which bits to treasure

which bobs to bin)


I want to be


Fully the me


You made me


To be


Spring cleaning



To take a peek at my poetry go to: 
To listen to my poetry
I’m reading:  Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the writer within by Natalie Goldberg and Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett
What are you reading?
I am grateful for the hospitality of the Treaty 7 territory peoples, the Blackfoot Nations, including Siksika,  Piikani,  Kainai, the Tsuut’ina Nation and Stoney Nakoda First Nations on whose traditional lands I reside.




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