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Gabrielle Battiste

One on One with Gabriel Battiste | Your questions answered

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Gabrielle Battiste held a campaign event recently. LCCMedia attended and had a question and answer time with her.

The questions were centered on the priorities of Candidate Battiste as stated on her website. For Councillor Battiste, empowering communities is key and at the core of her campaign.

We had previously interviewed Ms Battiste here: this is what she said when we asked about her plans for businesses.

Businesses need support to get going after the pandemic. What will you do for small businesses?

Small and Local Businesses are the heart and soul of Edmonton, and Ward O-day’min. We need to make it easy to start new businesses and prosperous to stay in business. I will fight to change the culture at the city to one of “Getting to Yes”. Every time you call the city, we should start with “how can we help you do what you want or need to do”. Instead of investigators, we need facilitators. Instead of administrators, we need activators and motivators. We need to drive traffic to brick & mortar stores and create avenues for innovative online business.

I will create an advisory council of small businesses in Ward O-day’min from a cross-section of industries. I will drive reform for the Land Use Bylaw to be flexible for business innovation, development, permitting and zoning. I will actively support outdoor venues year-round. I will actively support micro-mobility (ie. Scooters) and other means of moving larger numbers of people quickly and effectively to our small business locations. I will create hop on-hop off safe, effective and rapid transit where our kids don’t need to worry about being attacked as a result of race, religion, gender or otherwise. This transit should go around all secondary schools, core attractions, small and local business in Ward O-day’min from 124th to Chinatown and up to 107th and around 118th – then across to Whyte Avenue.

Major road and utility works and transportation projects along the Yellowhead, Jasper Ave, 102 Ave and 104 Ave are necessary but negatively affect enjoyment of our neighbourhoods and business options. We need better project oversight & management standards that get construction completed faster so people actually want to visit businesses.

We need focussed grant options for diverse, small businesses so that online businesses are included. In particular, I am a huge supporter of grants for women of colour and women in general as entrepreneurs to showcase some of the amazing talent we have in Edmonton. I will advocate for support for the Black Owned Market and other unique opportunities for showcasing our diversity in business.

Read more here about her plans if elected.

For more Candidate Battiste,

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